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Peewee Carlos Agassi

Carlos AgassiI have been eating Pee Wee ever since I've been in my grade school years. Who wouldn't like a pack of that spicy yummy chips. Share it with friends, eat it alone, everything goes, the snack is fine.

Until Carlos Agassi came into the picture. Yes, that handsome, weight-lifting buddy who we see in the movies and a lot of TV shows. He could act. He has a lot of room to improve in the front of the cameras. He entertains us too in our favorite noon-time show, ASAP. He entertains us when, and only when, he's not RAPPING!

Man! I thought that this guy idolizes Will Smith, the established rapper in the US. I say, he better idolize him! He raps like a deaf singer! Out of tune, out of tempo, bah! He needs a great dose of the metronome just to get his raps in rhythm. What the heck are production guys thinking, setting him up to do raps?

I just hate it when you hear him rap in that Peewee commercial? I just love it when we make fun of his off-melody rap in front of the television just after the soap operas he is in takes a break and flashes that, hrrrr!!! Enough said for his talent-less rap-wanna-be-called.

Perhaps it is time for him to polish his acting skills and stay away from rap, ever! For the commercial, they could have just had him act on the set, no raps whatsoever from him.

June 2001


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