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Whoa, Nelly

Whoa NellyNelly Furtado could've been the Brazilian Sheryl Crow crossed with Macy Gray, only dreamier and rhythmic with her debut single I'm Like a Bird. She missed the mark when she incorporated ethnic styles with R&B singing, producing Brazilian gibberish, particularly in Baby Girl. Now her music elevates a little when she becomes jazzy in Legend, her voice though loses a part of its identity. Turn Off The Light starts good but when the cheerleader like refrain kicks in you end up switching the lights on again. After listening to a few track's you begin to think what kind of music your listening' to. Track number 8's about a Party, only you're too intoxicated to enjoy it. My Love Grows Deeper Part I won't excite you either, and suddenly you don't what to know what the sequel will be.

Overall the album is a reflection of the artist's personality, young at mind and in making music. The other problem is the album's diversity did not clearly define what really is Nelly Furtado's music.

June 2001


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