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Sir, No ROTC Sir!

Last Sunday, July 1, hundreds of ROTC cadets from all over Metro Manila did what cadets before them only dreamed of: they walked out.

I did the same thing 5 years ago. I walked out during training because the officer was unreasonable. My fellow cadets later told me that was a brave thing to do. Too bad they weren't as brave as I was.

I came back the next year. I had to.

The cadets now asked the same question we did. Why bother? The training is supposed to prepare us just in case the country needed reserve forces. To say the training was inadequate though is an understatement.

Six units of ROTC means Sundays spent marching, playing with wooden guns and standing around doing nothing. It doesn't mean anyone who has the six units is ready to serve the country in an emergency.

If it doesn't fulfill the purpose, why bother?

At the rampant anomalies and corruption that is associated with ROTC and it was only a matter of time before students had enough.

by: Twostar
July 2001

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